Understand and manage the CrescentOne LAB environment c1lab.

This course has a focus on the coac environment from a system management approach. What components are specifically used to build an environment to host course content and to deliver courses to customers or students? How does it fit in strategy from a customer value perspective ànd a learning perspective?

The coac environment does use the same infrastructure components as the c1lab uses. So the same security components, the same hosting and delivery principles and technology.

Those skills and knowledge are a prerequisite for this course.

The c1lab hosts several environments. We can devide it in sub environments.

From a functional point of view we recognize:

  1. The CrescentOne Academy (COAC) with it's own top level domain *.coacademy.nl
  2. The End2End environment served from the top level domain *.c1lab.nl
  3. A bucket with systems to support (integration) development with several partners.

In this course we focus on the c1lab environment. 

This course focussus on the management of the technical components of the coac environment. Managing courses is part of the LMS00 track.