Onboarding of a CrescentOne consultant or trainer.

Track to help a starting consultant or trainer to understand how to use, create and manage content on the CrescentOne Learning Management System (LMS).

  • CrescentOne Academy - Introduction
  • LMS Get Started
  • LMS Manage Course
  • LMS Add Content

The CrescentOne Academy was initiated mid 2021. It started with the notion that a more structured setup to deliver training to customers, would enlarge the added value.

Soon after, a set of basic requirements and goals were agreed upon. Existing content was assessed, rewritten and structured into a much more accessible track of courses. 

By doing so, the allignment with the data sets used in the training and a focus on best practice use of the ERP platform, created a hugh difference in consistency and improved manageability.

Focus in the development of the course structure and content is the value proposition:

CrescentOne’s GLOVIA G2 ERP platform has proven to deliver outstanding business value. The CrescentOne Academy Courses provide the knowledge and skills required to use this to its full advantage. Our Tracks are targeted towards application managers and end-users.

The goal of this track is to provide a short introduction to the CrescentOne Academy and the Learning Management System that is used to create and deliver the content to students. This onboarding is targeted towards our internal organisation.

To create and manage a consistent training experience all content is created and managed in one platform for the trainers and the students. The platform you are working on now is chosen to support this.

This Learning Management System (LMS) is called Moodle and is used by a lot of bigger and smaller schools, universities and other education institutes.

The Track CrescentOne Onboarding is setup to get our trainers and administrators familiar with the platform and to teach how to create and manage learning content. Ones a track has been setup and a training is running, the platform has to support the courses in delivering the content and measuring the progress. The goal is to support trainer and students to focus on the course content and to optimize the learning results.

During this course the following topics will help you to get the needed familiarity with the Moodle platform.

During these topics, you'll get familiar with the LMS from the perspective of a student and a teacher. These topics are well documented and this documentation is used in this course.

This course will help you to get familiar with the concepts and elements of a course in the LMS. The LMS structures the courses in categories or tracks how we call them at the COAC Academy. Every course contains topis. But how do you set these up? And how to assign students to these tracks and track the progress?

Different people use differtent methods to study. Some are very good in remembering from a text book, others are more visual or realy need to get their hands dirty. Most students however learn best with a combination of methods.

This combination of methods is best suited to activate the students (and teacher) during the courses. The Moodle platform supports this with a variety of activities.

The courses in this onboarding track was helpful to:

  • Gain the knowledge and skills to start using existing content in the courses
  • Understand how to change or add content to a course
  • Start and manage courses and student progress

If you are curiouse what learning content is available to get more serious in building courses, take a look at the Moodle Academy.